Unshredder challenge part 2
06 December 2011
After my first solution to unshredder challenge I started working on the bonus part of the problem: auto-detecting how wide the uniform slices are.
My plan was pretty simple:
for each vertical column of pixels X[i]
calculate distance D[i] = distance(X[i], X[i+1]
Dmax = sort D desc
for each slice width W
M = number of borders with slice width *W*
P = number of borders in the first *M* elements of Dmax with slice width *W*
return w with max(P / M)
The plan worked otherwise great except that slice width 256 (2 slices) maximized my P / M
. I fixed that by returning the first W
that exceeds a given threshold.
The result is the following python code:
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